Hystrix 基于AOP 和 rxjava(响应式编程)实现,切面类为
进行拦截,入口代码如下:@Around("hystrixCommandAnnotationPointcut() || hystrixCollapserAnnotationPointcut()") public Object methodsAnnotatedWithHystrixCommand(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable { Method method = getMethodFromTarget(joinPoint); Validate.notNull(method, "failed to get method from joinPoint: %s", joinPoint); if (method.isAnnotationPresent(HystrixCommand.class) && method.isAnnotationPresent(HystrixCollapser.class)) { throw new IllegalStateException("method cannot be annotated with HystrixCommand and HystrixCollapser " + "annotations at the same time"); } MetaHolderFactory metaHolderFactory = META_HOLDER_FACTORY_MAP.get(HystrixPointcutType.of(method)); MetaHolder metaHolder = metaHolderFactory.create(joinPoint); HystrixInvokable invokable = HystrixCommandFactory.getInstance().create(metaHolder); ExecutionType executionType = metaHolder.isCollapserAnnotationPresent() ? metaHolder.getCollapserExecutionType() : metaHolder.getExecutionType(); Object result; try { if (!metaHolder.isObservable()) { result = CommandExecutor.execute(invokable, executionType, metaHolder); } else { result = executeObservable(invokable, executionType, metaHolder); } } catch (HystrixBadRequestException e) { throw e.getCause(); } catch (HystrixRuntimeException e) { throw hystrixRuntimeExceptionToThrowable(metaHolder, e); } return result; }
/* this is a stateful object so can only be used once */ // 检查当前命令状态,如果当前状态不是未开始,说明已经执行,抛出异常 // 一共有 NOT_STARTED(未开始), OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED(执行链已经创建), USER_CODE_EXECUTED(用户代码已执行), UNSUBSCRIBED(未被订阅), // TERMINAL(结束) 5种状态 if (!commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.NOT_STARTED, CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED)) { IllegalStateException ex = new IllegalStateException("This instance can only be executed once. Please instantiate a new instance."); //TODO make a new error type for this throw new HystrixRuntimeException(FailureType.BAD_REQUEST_EXCEPTION, _cmd.getClass(), getLogMessagePrefix() + " command executed multiple times - this is not permitted.", ex, null); } commandStartTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (properties.requestLogEnabled().get()) { // log this command execution regardless of what happened if (currentRequestLog != null) { currentRequestLog.addExecutedCommand(_cmd); } } final boolean requestCacheEnabled = isRequestCachingEnabled(); final String cacheKey = getCacheKey(); // 从缓存中获取数据并返回 /* try from cache first */ if (requestCacheEnabled) { HystrixCommandResponseFromCache<R> fromCache = (HystrixCommandResponseFromCache<R>) requestCache.get(cacheKey); if (fromCache != null) { isResponseFromCache = true; return handleRequestCacheHitAndEmitValues(fromCache, _cmd); } } Observable<R> hystrixObservable = Observable.defer(applyHystrixSemantics) .map(wrapWithAllOnNextHooks); Observable<R> afterCache; // put in cache if (requestCacheEnabled && cacheKey != null) { // wrap it for caching HystrixCachedObservable<R> toCache = HystrixCachedObservable.from(hystrixObservable, _cmd); HystrixCommandResponseFromCache<R> fromCache = (HystrixCommandResponseFromCache<R>) requestCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, toCache); if (fromCache != null) { // another thread beat us so we'll use the cached value instead toCache.unsubscribe(); isResponseFromCache = true; return handleRequestCacheHitAndEmitValues(fromCache, _cmd); } else { // we just created an ObservableCommand so we cast and return it afterCache = toCache.toObservable(); } } else { afterCache = hystrixObservable; } return afterCache .doOnTerminate(terminateCommandCleanup) // perform cleanup once (either on normal terminal state (this line), or unsubscribe (next line)) .doOnUnsubscribe(unsubscribeCommandCleanup) // perform cleanup once .doOnCompleted(fireOnCompletedHook); } });
private Observable<R> applyHystrixSemantics(final AbstractCommand<R> _cmd) { // mark that we're starting execution on the ExecutionHook // if this hook throws an exception, then a fast-fail occurs with no fallback. No state is left inconsistent executionHook.onStart(_cmd); /* determine if we're allowed to execute */ // 判断开关是否打开 if (circuitBreaker.allowRequest()) { final TryableSemaphore executionSemaphore = getExecutionSemaphore(); final AtomicBoolean semaphoreHasBeenReleased = new AtomicBoolean(false); final Action0 singleSemaphoreRelease = new Action0() { @Override public void call() { if (semaphoreHasBeenReleased.compareAndSet(false, true)) { executionSemaphore.release(); } } }; final Action1<Throwable> markExceptionThrown = new Action1<Throwable>() { @Override public void call(Throwable t) { eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.EXCEPTION_THROWN, commandKey); } }; if (executionSemaphore.tryAcquire()) { try { /* used to track userThreadExecutionTime */ executionResult = executionResult.setInvocationStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); return executeCommandAndObserve(_cmd) .doOnError(markExceptionThrown) .doOnTerminate(singleSemaphoreRelease) .doOnUnsubscribe(singleSemaphoreRelease); } catch (RuntimeException e) { return Observable.error(e); } } else { return handleSemaphoreRejectionViaFallback(); } } else { return handleShortCircuitViaFallback(); } }
。默认情况下,所有请求都可以被传递。如果是线程池模式运行,private Observable<R> executeCommandWithSpecifiedIsolation(final AbstractCommand<R> _cmd) { // 线程池隔离模式 if (properties.executionIsolationStrategy().get() == ExecutionIsolationStrategy.THREAD) { // mark that we are executing in a thread (even if we end up being rejected we still were a THREAD execution and not SEMAPHORE) return Observable.defer(new Func0<Observable<R>>() { @Override public Observable<R> call() { executionResult = executionResult.setExecutionOccurred(); if (!commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED, CommandState.USER_CODE_EXECUTED)) { return Observable.error(new IllegalStateException("execution attempted while in state : " + commandState.get().name())); } // 统计信息 metrics.markCommandStart(commandKey, threadPoolKey, ExecutionIsolationStrategy.THREAD); // 判断是否超时 if (isCommandTimedOut.get() == TimedOutStatus.TIMED_OUT) { // the command timed out in the wrapping thread so we will return immediately // and not increment any of the counters below or other such logic return Observable.error(new RuntimeException("timed out before executing run()")); } // 更新线程状态为已开始 if (threadState.compareAndSet(ThreadState.NOT_USING_THREAD, ThreadState.STARTED)) { //we have not been unsubscribed, so should proceed HystrixCounters.incrementGlobalConcurrentThreads(); threadPool.markThreadExecution(); // store the command that is being run endCurrentThreadExecutingCommand = Hystrix.startCurrentThreadExecutingCommand(getCommandKey()); executionResult = executionResult.setExecutedInThread(); /** * If any of these hooks throw an exception, then it appears as if the actual execution threw an error */ //执行hook,若异常,则直接抛出异常 try { executionHook.onThreadStart(_cmd); executionHook.onRunStart(_cmd); executionHook.onExecutionStart(_cmd); return getUserExecutionObservable(_cmd); } catch (Throwable ex) { return Observable.error(ex); } } else { //command has already been unsubscribed, so return immediately return Observable.error(new RuntimeException("unsubscribed before executing run()")); } } }) ....
断路器核心类为: HystrixCircuitBreaker
public interface HystrixCircuitBreaker {
// 是否允许执行
boolean allowRequest();
// 断路器是否处在打开状态
boolean isOpen();
// 在半打开状态,表示测试请求调用成功
void markSuccess();
// 在半打开状态,表示测试请求调用失败
void markNonSuccess();
// 在 Command 开始执行时调用
boolean attemptExecution();
断路器有打开(断路器打开,一定时间内请求不可通过)、关闭(请求正常通过)、半开(打开一段时间后,放行了一个请求到下游,待结果返回)三种状态, 当请求流量大于HystrixCommandProperties.circuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold()
设定的值时断路器打开,那么,断路器如何在不同的状态间进行调整呢?后面介绍线程池的时候,会提到过基于滑动窗口和桶的监控信息统计类 HystrixThreadPoolMetrics
,其实 Command 也有相似的统计类 HystrixCommandMetrics
,它们都是 HystrixMetrics
的实现类,机制非常相似。断路器会订阅 HystrixCommandMetrics
public boolean isOpen() {
if (circuitOpen.get()) {
// if we're open we immediately return true and don't bother attempting to 'close' ourself as that is left to allowSingleTest and a subsequent successful test to close
return true;
// we're closed, so let's see if errors have made us so we should trip the circuit open
HealthCounts health = metrics.getHealthCounts();
// check if we are past the statisticalWindowVolumeThreshold
// // 是否到达判断是否断路的最低请求量,否则跳过,因为请求量少的时候通过成功百分比来判断不准确
if (health.getTotalRequests() < properties.circuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold().get()) {
// we are not past the minimum volume threshold for the statisticalWindow so we'll return false immediately and not calculate anything
return false;
// 错误率没有达到阈值,不需要处理
if (health.getErrorPercentage() < properties.circuitBreakerErrorThresholdPercentage().get()) {
return false;
} else {
// 失败率太高,打开
// our failure rate is too high, trip the circuit
if (circuitOpen.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// if the previousValue was false then we want to set the currentTime
return true;
} else {
// How could previousValue be true? If another thread was going through this code at the same time a race-condition could have
// caused another thread to set it to true already even though we were in the process of doing the same
// In this case, we know the circuit is open, so let the other thread set the currentTime and report back that the circuit is open
return true;
public boolean allowSingleTest() {
long timeCircuitOpenedOrWasLastTested = circuitOpenedOrLastTestedTime.get();
// 断路开关打开 & 休眠时间超过sleepWindow 允许请求通过
// 1) if the circuit is open
// 2) and it's been longer than 'sleepWindow' since we opened the circuit
if (circuitOpen.get() && System.currentTimeMillis() > timeCircuitOpenedOrWasLastTested + properties.circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds().get()) {
// We push the 'circuitOpenedTime' ahead by 'sleepWindow' since we have allowed one request to try.
// If it succeeds the circuit will be closed, otherwise another singleTest will be allowed at the end of the 'sleepWindow'.
if (circuitOpenedOrLastTestedTime.compareAndSet(timeCircuitOpenedOrWasLastTested, System.currentTimeMillis())) {
// if this returns true that means we set the time so we'll return true to allow the singleTest
// if it returned false it means another thread raced us and allowed the singleTest before we did
return true;
return false;
Hystrix 为不同的应用场景提供两种隔离级别:Thread
和 Semaphore
- 对委托线程来说,能够随时在出现超时调用时 walk away,执行 fallback 的逻辑,不会阻塞到连接超时从而拖累服务的响应时间。
- 对隔离效果来说,当下游服务出现超时故障时,仅仅该线程池会爆满,对使用其它线程池的不相关服务以及服务本身没有任何影响。当下游恢复健康后,线程池会再次变得可用,恢复往常状态。
- 对监控来说,由于线程池有多种监控数据,例如占用线程数、排队请求数、执行任务数等,当我们错误地配置了客户端或是下游服务出现性能变化我们都能够第一时间感知到并做出应对。
大多数场景下,默认的 10 个线程就能足够了。如果想要进一步调整的话,官方给出了一条简单有效的公式:
requests per second at peak when healthy × 99th percentile latency in seconds + some breathing room
峰值 qps * P99 响应时间 + 适当数量的额外缓冲线程
线程隔离也有缺点。业务线程将具体调用提交到线程池到执行完成,就需要付出任务排队、线程池调度、上下文切换的开销。Netflix 也考虑到这一点,并做了对应的测试。对于一个每秒被请求 60 次的接口,使用线程隔离在 P50、P90、P99 的开销分别为 0ms、3ms 和 9ms。
但是,如果你的接口响应时间非常小,无法接受线程隔离带来的开销,且信任该接口能够很快返回的话,则可以使用 Semaphore
在 Hystrix 中,command 的执行以及 Fallback 都支持使用 Semaphore
。将 execution.isolation.strategy
即可将默认的 THREAD